I'm actually super bored so I figured I would tell everyone my life story. Sorry if I bore the fuck out of you. You can always stop reading.
I was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I moved to Challis, Idaho when I was 6 months old. Lived here ever since. We moved cause my dad was trying to get a job at the mine here. He didn't get it so he worked at a mechanic shop instead.
My mom worked at a grocery store for a while then went on to babysit. So most of my life I had someone always around. My mom stopped babysitting when I was 14.
I have two older brothers. Doug and David. So goes to show you I got picked on a lot. I grew up a tomboy. Loved sports mainly soccer, baseball, and basketball when I was little. I stopped playing baseball once I got hit in the mouth with a pop fly when I was in the dug-out. I was sitting up on the bench so I could see better and in comes the ball. I lost four teeth in the whole ordeal and didn't play baseball again till I was in middle school.
I quit soccer due the fact that they really didn't have anything past elementary school.
I played basketball through middle school but quit due the fact I would never get played. I was good, not to be cocky, but in this town it all depends on what your last name is if you get played or not. My brother found out the same way through high school.
I always had a bad habit of my animals either dying or having to get rid of them. Our first dog I remember having was Honey. She lived till she was 14, the same time I was 14, and she started getting sick so we had to put her down. We also had another dog before named Digger. He became to big of a problem in our neighborhood so we got rid of him. We have a dog Buddy now. We have had him for a while though. We got him right before Honey was put down. I have had a few cats also.
My first cat was Blackie, he was black (very original i know). He lived almost to 1 but one day he acted really weird and walking like he was drunk or something and he didn't make it through the night. We never found out what happened.
Next I got Tigger. I found him at my dad's shop. His mom started being mean to him so we took him in. He lived a little past 1. I was gone for a track meet and when I got back he never showed up. It wasn't like him to stay out all night. The next day we were getting ready to go out of town when my mom saw him in our neighbor's driveway. He looked beat up so something must of got him.
A few weeks later, one of my brothers was coming home from Idaho Falls and he stopped at a rest stop and there was a box there. Inside the box was a little kitten so he brought it home. We took it in but soon regretted it. The cat turned out evil. My mom made me get rid of it so we gave it to my older brother's girlfriend. They named her Obi.
Then when Ryan moved in he brought his cat O'Malley and his brother's cat Apollo, along with his dog Cody.
Malley was one of those cats that would be gone for days on end. Apollo was just the opposite.
One day we called for them to come in. Malley showed up but Apollo never did. Around that time people were saying that coyotes have been coming close to town and cats have been missing. We put up signs but never saw Apollo again. A little while after that Malley went missing. We figured he was on his usual deal but after months of being gone we knew something happened.
We had Cody for a while, but when it came time for Ryan and I to move to Wyoming we gave Cody to Ryan's parents. Well while we were gone they sold Cody. Ryan was really upset cause Cody was his dog.
During the time we had Apollo and Malley, another cat showed up at our house. We took her in due to the fact she was the only cat our dog Buddy ever got along with. We called her Kirby. She was even 1 when she got pregnant with her first litter. She had 4 kittens. We planned on keeping 2. we named them( well more nicknamed them) Chubbs, Goop, Socks, and Shy Guy. Chubbs was the first born and the fattest hence her name. Goop had really guppy eyes when he was born so it stuck. Socks Ryan named cuz he followed Ryan everywhere, and Shy Guy was the shyest of the bunch. When Ryan and I moved my mom got rid of all of them.
Now I have 2 cats. Aries and Sassy. Aries I got from a lady in town who was getting rid of cats, and Sassy Ryan and I found along the highway near our house.
I started dating Ryan when I was 17 in our Junior year of high school. We dated for a year then he proposed to me. We have been engaged now for 2 years and have been together for 3. We moved to Laramie, Wyoming in July of '07. Ryan attended Wyo tech and I worked at a ice cream parlor called Cherries Ice Cream and Grill. We lived there for 9 to 10 month then moved back to Challis.
We live with my parents at the moment. I work at a deli in one of the local grocery stores and Ryan works at a local mechanic shop. He is in the process of fixing up a '67 Ford Fairlane that he bought off of Craig's List for $1900. Once that i finished we can actually move on with our lives.
We our set to get married on August 15th 2009. If it stays that way, who knows.
Anyways here are some pics of my life.
This is me my senior year at Homecoming.

Aren't I pretty?
This Ryan and me with Cody, right
after Ryan moved in.

This is Ryan and me when we started dating.
This my birthday cake Ryan made me when I turned 19.
And this is Ryan and me now.