I saw Cami had this on her blog and I figured I would take the challenge and see if I could write 100 things about me.
- I never act my age.
- Actually people don't even think I look my age. As sad as that is.
- But I believe in the future that will be in my benefit. So when I'm 40 I'll look 35!
- I'm happy with the love of my life.
- I have no clue if I'll ever get married though.
- I'm engaged though.
- I don't normally get along with my family.
- I don't have that many friends.
- The ones I do have not many of them live near me.
- I'm not responsible at all.
- I want to move so bad that no one knows the extant.
- I want to have a family really soon.
- I hate people who act like your friend and then they blow you off.
- That pisses me off more than anything.
- I have a few bad habits, like:
- biting my nails
- whining.
- being immature(but that could be so much fun too).
- I want to travel to many different places.
- I miss Cami more then words can describe.
- I want my own place so I can be free to do what I want.
- I have no clue what I will do with my future.
- I have no plans.
- I want to be a black belt in Taekwando more than anything.
- I hate my car.
- I can never save money.
- I hate my job.
- My favorite type of bear is a koala bear.
- My favorite wild animal is a raccoon.
- The type of dog I want is a Scottish Terrier or a Miniature Yorkie.
- Ryan wants a Bull Terrier and i secretly want one too.
- I Love Taekwando soooooooooo much.
- I'm running out of things to say.
- Out of my family my dad is the only one who kind of understands me.
- I'm afraid I will lose Ryan someday.
- All my friends from High School I feel like they were never my friends now.
- Meaning I feel like they use people. And just act like their your friend.
- Now they act like their better then you.
- I hate how people who don't deserve or want a baby can get pregnant no probably and the people who can't have them or have trouble can't.
- I don't like how people get stuff handed to them and don't work for it.
- I miss Wyoming just a little bit.
- I really miss my friends from there though.
- I'd be lost without Ryan.
- I'm worried that I'll never make something out of myself.
- My fear is life is to be left alone.
- I think babies are cute.
- That one was dumb everyone thinks babies are cute.
- lol. I like to laugh at myself sometimes.
- I absolutely love the Twilight Saga books.
- If only Edward was like real guys.
- I love to shop.
- But I don't shop expensive clothes.
- My favorite stores would have to be:
- Aeropastale
- Maurices
- Pac Sun
- I have no clue if those are spelled right.
- I'm a bad speller.
- I have one tattoo.
- I plan on getting more.
- I wish I knew how to fix cars.
- You would think I would know this.
- Since I grew up around it.
- And Ryan is a mechanic also.
- One of my nicknames is monkey.
- I actually have a lot of nicknames.
- Pooky Bear. Ryan gave me that one.
- Kit Kat. Had that one forever.
- Kirby. Amanda gave me that one.
- Chubby Pumkin. Ryan once again.
- Ryan gives me werid nicknames.
- Kathy Ann.
- Not really a nickname since its my real name.
- But i don't go by it.
- Got it at Cherries.
- I miss Cherries.
- That where I met all my best friends.
- Cami.
- Pat.
- Rocky.
- I only really talk to 2 of them though.
- Lately just one.
- I really want a race car of my own.
- I want to move to South Dakota sort of.
- But I'm scared of Tornadoes.
- I hate my life sometimes.
- really a lot of the time.
- The things I look forward to the most are:
- Pay day
- my wedding(hopefully)
- vacation
- having a family
- I excited to be an aunt
- even though I'll never see my nephew.
- I like watching baseball live but hate watching it on TV
- I love my hair short.
- My favorite flower is either a rose or a cherry blossom.
- I want a smart car or a newer bug for a car.
- I hate my name.
I miss you too! and I want a yorkie! We should get one together! haha This made me giggle a lot. Thanks for the laughs! :) Love you Kathy!