Sorry I have been so bad about updating. i haven't been able to get on the internet so that doesn't help at all.
Anyways, it has been 7 months 2 weeks and 2 days now since Ryan and I got married. So far so good I guess I can say. I was pregnant but ended up having a miscarriage. That sucked but I guess it happened for a reason.
Oh yeah the sameday I found out I was prego I got a job at Sizzler! I love my job. Tons of cool people work there and it is my favorite out of every job I have had besides Cherries. We get some crabby customers once in awhile but what place doesn't.

I had to get rid of my cat Sebastain due to him peeing on our bed and the floor. We took him to Challis to live with my parents and my other 2 cats. Well, he ended up getting hit by a car. :( I really liked the little man. My familes beagle died right after Christmas. I think he was like 12 or so, so he was pretty old but I miss that little guy too.

Ryan and I got a new dog though from the Humane Society named Axle. He is a 11 month old German Shepard Husky mix. And let me tell you he is a hand full. Always getting on the counter or the table getting food off it. Had one night of him pooping in our bedroom. That was nice to wake up to that smell. :s. Anyways he is a pretty smart dog though. Most of the time he lets you know when he has to go out or barks when people are around. Good guard dog.
We got our own apartment in December. Like it and hate it all at the same time. I want to fix it up but just never have the money to. Zach was living with us for awhile but he moved out this last week.
Ummm ya well I don't really know too much more. Just couldn't sleep so I figured I would update the old blog even though I only think one person reads this. Oh well good night!
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